In Asgard, dem Wohnsitz der Götter zog Gott Odin einen Wolfswelpen namens Fenris auf. Als er größer wurde, bekamen die anderen Götter Angst vor ihm.
Egal, was für ein freundliches Wesen Fenris war, nur ein Gott streichelte sein graues Fell: Tyr, Odins jüngerer Sohn, liebte Fenris, blieb sein Freund und fütterte ihn mit Fleisch, und je mehr Fenris fraß, desto größer wurde er, bis er schließlich den Göttern bis zur Taille reichte.
Fenris hatte nie jemanden verletzt oder angegriffen, aber die Götter bekamen immer more afraid of him. Eventually they met and decided to Fenris to create the chain. Fenris howled, pulling and tugging at the chain ran in a circle, and finally, all his force onset, he broke the shackles.
The gods were frightened and decided to forge a new chain, twice as strong as the previous one, because now Fenris gave the gods already up to the shoulders. But still no one was Fenris hostile, and when the gods called him again, he ran to them in the hope that they finally accepted his friendship.
But the gods then threw the new chain around the neck and back was the poor prisoner Wolf and his Eyes lit up and flashed red with rage, threatening growl, he leaned his giant paws into the ground and with a mighty jerk he blew out restraint.
alarmed the gods decided now to turn to the dwarfs. As they learned from the concerns of the gods, wove the rope "Gleipnir. It was elastic as silk, but strong enough that no one could tear it, not even the great wolf Fenris.
Fenris loved to run through the fields and to jump, but he always felt sad and lonely. And yet he still hoped that the gods would one day play with him. He wanted to prove to them that er ihr Freund sein wollte, und so lief er den Göttern zur Begrüßung abermals entgegen, als sie auf ihn zukamen.
"Komm, Fenris, wir wollen mit dir spielen." sagten die Götter und Fenris heulte vor Freude auf. "Was wollen wir denn spielen?" fragte Fenris und wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als den Göttern zu gefallen. Sie zeigten ihm das Band, das die Zwerge gewoben hatten: "Nimm dieses Ende des Bandes und wir nehmen das andere. Wir spielen Seilziehen. Mal sehen, ob du wirklich so stark bist wie wir alle zusammen."
Begeistert nahm Fenris das Band zwischen seine scharfen Zähne und rannte an das andere Ende des Feldes. Aber wie gewaltig sie auch an beiden Enden zogen, the golden dwarf tape was stopped. When the gods saw that Fenrir was far away, they secretly laid their end of the strip in the bedrock of the island and called Fenris to the field: "Wrap the tape around your neck, Fenris, if any being can break this bond, then you !
"I can break every fetter." Fenris and thought he turned the golden band around his neck and looked full of beans to the gods over. "I'm ready," he said, but when he looks Tyr with depressed, downcast expression on the ground saw, he already knew that the gods a mean trick tried with him.
A world-shattering Growl came out of his throat, and he called for his only friend, "Tyr, my friend," he cried, "help your old companions Fenris Give me your hand as a sign of good will."
Tyr could endure the painful expression in Fenris eyes no longer and longer he held out his friend's hand. Fenris came up and gently put his big jaws to Tyr's wrist. And again she pecked Fenris, and again held the golden belt of his strength was. A third time he summoned all his strength and tried to break his ankle. The tape of the dwarves did, and he was still chained to the rocks of the island.
And still holding Fenris Tyr's Hand in his mouth and his eyes filled with tears as he looked into the eyes of the one God who has always been his only friend. He knew that he was helpless, trapped forever. And Tyr also looked at Fenris eyes and filled him a deep sadness for his friend. Their fate is now accepting closed, Tyr and Fenris their eyes at the same moment, and when they did, devouring Fenris Tyr's Hand.
But Tyr did not die, he was a god, and the other gods he withdrew and joined his terrible wound. And because Odin took his sword and threw it angrily in throat Fenris.
Poor gray wolf coughed and gasped, but he did not die because he was a creation of the gods. Again, he howled in pain and agony, but the gods turned their backs on him and left him alone.
heard for many years now the gods and humans, the lonely and plaintive howl Fenris and finally, one night, he could free himself at last and jumped high in the sky! Heavy rain pelted down on Asgard and that night, known as the twilight of the gods, the old world was destroyed and this destruction grew from a new, more peaceful world and Odin's sons returned to rule over them
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