Sunday, March 6, 2011

Gold Shower In Bathroom? How To Paint?

9. miet-and-read Wochenaufgabe: Das große Lesequiz

Hier klicken at the 8th tenancy and-read task weeks to read.

This week we want to use your brain: When large reading quiz you expect in the coming days, a few questions about's reading, the solutions you discover for the part, for but some have also appreciated simple. A public-Joker You also have: you are free to ask any question your Facebook friends! We want happy and success rates.
The weekly task step by step: Read

open package and read read, read

gray cells activate and consider what the right answer to our questions can be
- overall, we will ask you three questions this week!

Your response to our ambassador-page post, either individually on the day of issue or collected at the weekend (until Sunday you have the opportunity to participate in this week's task)


Here's the first question: What do you estimate - how long is the most loyal customer has reader in reading circles LESERKREIS AT HOME?

Now I thought to myself, okay there are a number of questions, so I will collect my results, first time on Sunday to then be placed in a posting. Well that was a big mistake by me, because when I next time purely in the Facebook App Ambassadors saw the readership team had already posted the resolution. And I was true to my quiet search, but could only one.

"Hey now, but I think it's stupid I've understood that it is up to me whether I have the tasks of this weeks task individually answer promptly, or to Sunday in all at once. But if you dissolve the tasks before, as currently for the first question. I really do not quite know what to do with this week's task, then out of necessity ignore. : - / "

What I see in the App from the readership team then received the following reply :
" Dear Nettie, are this week we do not absolutely strict with you - after all, Mardi Gras, carnival, Fassnacht, the 5th Season and that means also allow time blind eye to the morning comes too :-) . A question on which you can let off steam you "

Now I want you but not denied the right answer, because the should have read:
The longest continuously existing customer relationship, we since 1949, for 62 years ! maintained

And the second question has lurked in us, which is:
To get started, we of course have you deliberately put a simple question - now it gets a little tricky: For now we are looking a particular journal from our range: - it is one of the best-selling monthly magazines in Germany - their readers spend an average of 200 minutes per issue with it - it is read to 60 percent of women on our website you will find this time no evidence - but a small tip we for you have: why not ask in your circle of friends on Facebook, Twitter or offline - maybe one of your friends has an idea? For all others is: guess! :-)
Well then I would say that my research has also shown "Reader's Digest. And since I am doing my usual surprised face, because I had somehow not on the clock. Somehow I know but not reading this. At least I do not know any of the 3.5 million European subscribers personally as far as I know ;-)
applause, applause, applause for Sandra! We have actually looked for "Reader's Digest"! And we thought we can bring you this issue really sweat ... :-) Get out to the next and last question of the large reading quiz: Suppose that we print on the web pages from - what we would do only for ecological reasons, never! - And stack the pages: how many miles would this stack up at least? (This range estimates because the Internet is changing every day and give an official figure does not of course kann)

Also wirklich, jetzt wird es ja richtig närrisch. Aber gut, die Aufgaben sind dazu da um sich ihnen zu stellen und darum will ich auch meine Recherche hier zu präsentieren.

Wenn der Lesezirkel oder wer auch immer auf die durchgeknallte Idee käme, das Internet mit dem Tintenstrahldrucker auf Papier zu drucken, so würde dies:
  • ... eine halbe Million Liter Tinte verbrauchen.
  • ... 3.805 Jahre dauern, wenn man nur einen Drucker zur Verfügung hätte.
  • .... das Fällen von 40.000 Bäumen für das benötigte Papier erfordern.
  • ...  jeden 2. Baum im New Yorker Central Park treffen
  • ... ein Buch ergeben, das 545 Millionen Kilo wiegt.
  • ... Lesestoff für die nächsten 57.000 Jahre bieten.
  • ... 18.000 Meilen, was 28.968 km entspricht
  • ... ein Flug von New York nach Tokio auf dem langen Weg um den Globus (Richtung Osten) entsprechen
Wiedergegeben werden diese Zahlenspielereien auf insgesamt sechs Infografiken, von denen  ich Euch nachfolgend ein Beispiel zeigen möchte, welches mir letztendlich zur Lösung verholfen hat. Leider ist der genaue Rechenweg nicht angegeben, mit dem man zu diesen beeindruckenden Zahlen gekommen ist.
Die Infografiken stammen von der Website eines britischen Druckpatronenherstellers , der sicherlich über die nötige Expertise verfügt ;-)

Das war eine der Wochenaufgaben, die mir überhaupt keinen Spaß gemacht haben. ^^
Denn mal ehrlich, wer kommt schon auf so eine bescheuerte Idee, dass WWW ausdrucken zu wollen? Für meine Zwecke würde mir das als PDF-Format vollkommen reichen ;-)

Eure Exzellenz
Netti - Botschafterin miet-and-read

Quellennachweis: Catridgesave


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