Die ersten 5 bis 10 Folgen dieser Serie dachte ich noch, es handele sich um einen dieser zahlreichen austauschbaren Evangelion / Gundam Klone, ein typisches Coming-of-Age-Drama, die das Genre des Shōnen -Anime eine Zeit lang überschwemmten. Und dies nicht ohne Grund, denn EUREKA SEVEN besitzt alle typischen Merkmale der genannten Vorbilder. Ein jugendlicher Held, ein unnahbares rätselhaftes Mädchen, große sich transformierende Kampf-Roboter, die sich als lebendig herausstellen, mysteriöse schier unbesiegbare Feinde. Ein müdes Gähnen bemächtigte sich schon meines Gesichts. Die Rahmenhandlung und das Design der Serie des Anime-Studios BONES bedienen sich zwar durchaus geschickt aus dem Fundus früherer Genre-Klasiker und es gelingt EUREKA den altbekannten Mustern ganz neue Akzente abzugewinnen. Etwa in der Etablierung eines lebendigen weltumspannenden Organismus, den korallenartigen Coralians oder den dynamischen, eine interessante Surf-Akrobatik bietenden Luftkämpfen. Und dennoch, dies allein würde EUREKA SEVEN nicht über das Mittelmaß hinaus heben.
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Holland und Talho |
Ich wollte die Serie also schon innerlich abhaken, 50 episodes well-known genre patterns mean too much life lost time. But then, before I quite realized something was strange and a spark of interest flared up, grew slowly growing into a fire and I became intoxicated with the fate of the characters to their anger, their pride, their courage, their fears, their inner vulnerability and despair, their hunger for love and I wanted to know, no, which way had their fate would strike.
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Renton in air Browse |
It is not the first glance, the anime-cliche appropriate basic framework of the series, EUREKA SEVEN makes it something special, but the development of the characters, especially the two main characters of Eureka and Renton. They form the core of the whole action to gather the more minor characters, particularly the motley crew of Gekko under the leadership of Holland or the antagonists Colonel Dewey Novak and Anemone.
Renton is a typical 14-year-old teenager, try out mainly to discover its limits, wants to fight for his place in the world of adults and filled with the foolish dream, is a great air of world-famous surfer to be. Initially naive in imagining a fantasy adventure come true, he stumbles into a conflict whose global importance, he does not understand. buffeted by storms like hormonal Renton protect only the "girl" you're trying to impress foolish and tame his emotional chaos. Late, almost too late, Renton begins to understand that he also fought the bloody air battles seriously that people die, that every action has consequences and this knowledge he threatens to break almost.
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The crew of the Gekkostate |
Renton is a typical 14-year-old teenager, try out mainly to discover its limits, wants to fight for his place in the world of adults and filled with the foolish dream, is a great air of world-famous surfer to be. Initially naive in imagining a fantasy adventure come true, he stumbles into a conflict whose global importance, he does not understand. buffeted by storms like hormonal Renton protect only the "girl" you're trying to impress foolish and tame his emotional chaos. Late, almost too late, Renton begins to understand that he also fought the bloody air battles seriously that people die, that every action has consequences and this knowledge he threatens to break almost.
Eureka, however, the 14-year-old driver of the physically Nirvash (a living fighting robots), seems at first strange emotion, a personality that appears empty, the only follow the leader of Gekko Holland blind trust and all his commands. It was only in contact with their emotions in Renton begin to develop, they begin in the course of the series to shake increasingly, she had never learned before human to feel, to love to hate, to despair of being afraid to fight for his courage. The increasingly rampant uncontrollable emotions trigger panic in Eureka and they fled in their innermost wants to be back to what it once was, a blank sheet of paper.
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The Gekkostate |
EUREKA SEVEN So basically told a story of growing up, learning from the responsibility for themselves and others to take, from understanding what it means to be human. The finale of the series is perhaps not convince every audience completely, too many previously expensive established plot lines are cut off abruptly and without comment, lost in the nothingness, but at least on an emotional level, it works as it is, at least for me, very good. And of course the end immerges into kitsch, but that should not surprise long-time anime friends really. Particularly noteworthy is the more interesting soundtrack of the series, composed of some rather idiosyncratic acting electronic music, techno and Rave * , aber auch viele orchestral anmutende Stücke effektvoll einzubauen versteht und so perfekt die Atmosphäre der Handlung verstärkt. Die wechselnden Titel- und Abspann- Musikstücke werden dagegen durch (mich meist anödenden) konventionellen J-Pop geprägt, dessen qualitative Beurteilung wie immer Geschmackssache ist.
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Eureka im Kriegsgebiet |
Gedanken zur deutschen Synchronisation
I've read a lot about allegedly bad German dubbing and the laws of nature by unassailable settings of Japanese anime series. With respect, this is nonsense! For me, as shaped by the Central European cultural space viewers a professionally-made German Synchro often works far better than the Japanese version. What many fanatic anime fans do not seem to notice is the fact that in many anime series is always the same types / stereotypes are occupied. Many speakers sound their stereotypical, they embody, interchangeable. Such a thing is to be noted in certain fan circles But even as heresy.
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Colonel Dewey Novak |
EUREKA SEVEN is an example of a very good, adapted to the Central European cultural space synchronization. All the main characters are appropriately staffed and can easily keep up with their Japanese colleagues. Especially when so much derided spokesman Renton, Raul Richter can shine with its own interpretation of the role. He looks a lot less androgynous than in Japanese (where a woman speaks Renton) Version is much more 'manly', but I think fits much better with the figure of the annoying pubescent teenager. The same applies to Eureka, the German voice of the figure, it is possible to add further dimensions. Now and herpendelnd between insecurity, melancholy and desperate determination to have Julia Meynell Eureka, a deep heat that is lacking in the delicate Japanese colleague something. A truly successful reinterpretation of the original Japanese soundtrack.
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Eureka and Renton |
EUREKA SEVEN is a really outstanding anime series, whose's graphic design and the created world, the relatively well-worn mechanism give new impetus to the universe. The real showpiece of the series is, however, the most successful living character design and development of the relationship of the two main characters of Eureka and Renton. The story of the Coralians and their confrontation with the people, is it almost irrelevant side note. EUREKA SEVEN is one that, in meinen Augen, sicherlich zu den besten Anime-Serien der letzten Dekade und jeder Fan japanischer Trickkunst, der einem Science-Fiction-Romance-Action-Drama etwas abgewinnen kann, sollte dieser tollen Serie eine Chance geben.
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Eureka, Renton und die Nirvash |
*Einige Begrifflichkeiten aus EUREKA SEVEN, wie der Second-Summer-of-Love , lassen sich direkt auf die Rave-Szene zurückführen.
Titel: EUREKA SEVEN - Kōkyōshihen Eureka Sebun
Zeichenstudio: Bones
Entstehungsjahr: 2005
Entstehungsjahr: 2005
Länge: 51 Folgen / à 25 Minuten
DVD: Beez Entertainment
Ton: Japanisch, Deutsch
Untertitel: German
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