Dem Klappentext kann man entnehmen, dass der Autor dieses Buches James Tanner als 23 jähriger 1999 gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder das "Tanners Restaurant" in Plymouth eröffnet hat. Dieses wurde sowohl 2007 als auch 2008 zum Restaurant des Jahres gekürt.
Das vorliegende Buch enthält 100 Rezepte dieses kreativen Cook. Said recipes always contain five ingredients, you can see even from oil, sea salt and black pepper from the mill. As a lover of fine spices and spice mixtures, I was skeptical at first, but my verdict is contrary to expectations, was positive, because the recipes hold more than superficially (only 5 ingredients!) Seem to promise.
The recipes are divided into:
Small treats
Special Design
vegetarian delicacies
bread and sauces
I since the beginning of my meat and pork consumption reduced to zero and have instead now take fish and vegetarian dishes to me have given me these meals, of course, interested in the first place. Meat lovers, but I can tell you that they too are waiting also delicious recipes. I like James Tanner's uncomplicated cuisine, which I consider our time as appropriate. Little "input" much "output" is the motto that knows this resourceful cooking implement very well.
The individual recipes are well organized and step by step, explains well understood. The ingredients of most dishes are for 4 people.
The small treats for lunch than brunch, als Snack für zwischendurch oder als Vorspeise haben mir die Suppen besonders gut gefallen und hier speziell die "Brunnenkressesuppe", die ihre grüne Farbe nur dann behält, wenn man sie schnell kocht und schnell herunterkühlt. Neben Brunnenkresse spielen hier Knoblauchzehen, Zwiebeln, Hühnerbrühe und eine fein geschnittene Kartoffel eine Rolle. Lecker auch ist der "Fenchel-Orangen-Salat mit Granatapfelkernen und Pecorino" und der "Gebackene Camembert mit Thymian und Knoblauch".
"Gebratene Birnen mit Blauschimmelkäse und Walnüssen" sind eine ideale Begleitung zu einem Glas Wein und der "Lachs mit Karamel-Croutons, Zitronen-Confit und Rucola" wird nicht nur von Tanner, sondern appreciated by me. I would like to commend mention the recipe "shrimp with honey-lime-soy sauce and bok choy. By honey gets this food to the last whistle. Pak Choi fits best in my opinion anyway on to shrimp. In this connection, I have often cooked shrimp instead of the lime juice, however, interacts with grapefruit juice.
Tanner "mussels with basil and chili" are delicate. This is due to that he does not have to cream to white wine. His "turbot fillet with wild mushrooms" are a feast dish of the day. That he dares to pour the sauce with red wine, I call brave. The result is amazing flavor. Really well. Very good also is his "salmon in foil with chilli, orange, soy and spring onions. Tanner was inspired by this recipe for a Thai holiday. The scented in Orange Marinade salmon flavor has an almost perfect flavor. The author recommends as a side dish pasta. A very loose mashed potatoes to taste but also good.
Wait for poultry lovers a variety of excellent dishes. A great recipe is the Green Chicken Curry "in which the focus is tempered by coconut milk. Remarkably I find the recipe for "roast chicken in Thai style" in which a paste, the chili peppers, coconut cream, coriander and lime zest in die gelockerte Haut geschoben werden, bevor das Tier gebraten wird.
Zu Zeiten als ich noch Fleisch aß, hätte ich sofort die Rezepte für "Lammschmorbraten" und auch das "Cote de Boeuf" ausprobiert. Den Lammbraten, bei dem Rotwein und frischer Thymian nicht fehlen darf, ist sicher ein Hochgenuss, insbesondere wenn man ihn mit Sellerie-Kartoffelpüree und Bohnen auf den Tisch bringt, wie Tanner dies empfiehlt.
Bei den vegetarischen Speisen finde ich "Spargel-Frittata mit frischer Minze" besonders interessant, weil die Minze dem Spargel eine ungewöhnliche Geschmacksnote verleiht. Tanner spricht von einem Frisch-Kick in Bezug auf die Minze. Sehr delikat auch ist das "Steinpilzrisotto with gorgonzola. Serve with a glass of Chianti Classico.
When Tanner desserts I want to "stress, which in addition to honey and Greek yoghurt and almonds and balsamic vinegar to work effectively. For the" Baked honey figs Poached peaches " you need red wine and other ingredients. I would not use mascarpone, but serve rather with a mint sorbet.
These two desserts are relatively low in calories. Other desserts in this book are the ingredients of her promise, require, however, that it takes a long walk afterwards. This is especially true for the "tart with roasted hazelnuts. would
bake bread Who found at the end of the book easy recipes. Tanners' Salza Verde "is the way, delicious. This is connected with the mixture of basil and mint.
This cookbook not only impresses with good recipes, but also by images of other Schonnemann that are not tuned for high gloss and the binding thread of the book. This really makes the cookbook for everyday use. It can even Maim not in frequent use. Prima.
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