Thursday, February 3, 2011

Is Patricia Bath Still Married

Bildende Kunst

We know you also remember your school days?
Puberty had long since left their mark. The classes were boring and annoying and we have the schoolboy-made life bearable?

Riiiiiiiiiiiischtiiiiiig - with wild scribbles.

plays honest who of us in this time not even a perfectly shaped penis or a vulva put on paper?
Still, we forced the hormones to do that formally. ;-) As I

today my threads woven through the net I was a video I want you particularly fasziniert.Das only reluctantly denied.

For now I understand why the teaching of art was not just art, but fine Künste ;-)

Mit solchen Bildern unterhält man doch glatt die ganze letzte Bankreihe. Frei nach dem Motto:

Dieses ist ein Suchbild: 
Wo verbirgt sich das Geschlechtsteil?

Das nenne ich wirklich mal bildende Kunst. Mein Respekt gehört dem unbekannten Youtube-Künstler!


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