Click to the 6th tenancy and-read task weeks to read.
"Dear Ambassador, environmental protection, climate change, sustainability - has never been a concern for our environment as present as today This week we want to hear from you, such as the. topic in the journals of your reading packet is addressed: Is it your own "green" categories, regular contributions or pulls an ecological perspective as a thread through a whole magazine Check out the issue also from the outside: Does your information to permit schemes for a particularly environmentally friendly production, such as the FSC or PEFC logo or the "blue angel"? Let us know how "green" you read "
first I thought" puuuuh, determine what a week job, "but I had to yet, but then the more I dealt with it ever more attractive I felt it is because through this task I have read my journals for the first time specifically and it was actually a very interesting story
And so I concluded as follows:..
six of seven magazines that I receive in the reading package deal with the topic when other at all, only as a side note. However, the PM, as the scientific journal edited regularly and in detail topics such as "Life after the oil," "Is there now no seasons anymore?" to name (climate change) but a few topics from past issues. There are also dedicated a "Go Green" page that each issue will be "Energy, Environment and Innovation". Thus, in the February issue of the article in the climate-activists of the international initiative dedicated These provide, inter alia, with spectacular "art" works that are to be considered only from the air, alert to the threat of climate catastrophe. For example, Indian students have formed in the form of a giant elephant on a football field or in the Girl Scouts USA recorded by a dried river bed with blue tents. Those who know the works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude, you can imagine into what is meant. But not only this spectacular and sensational actions are mentioned, but we find at the URL also suggestions on how everyone can make a small contribution. Even a small contribution is better than none. With the eco-labels and marks of the individual magazines I have looked at all admit. At least, even a small contribution is made, as the reading circle yes insured "All of us taken back journals are Eco-friendly 100% recyclable. Interestingly, however, fand ich, dass sich auf dem Schutzumschlag (der "Bunte" Ausgabe 8) vom Lesezirkel eine Werbung für das Buch "Terra Madre - Für ein nachhaltiges Gleichgewicht zwischen Mensch und Mutter Erde" befand. Ob allerdings der allgemeine Bunte-Leser da die richtige Zielgruppe ist, lasse ich mal dahingestellt sein. Diese Werbung würde ich mir auf der "Essen & Trinken" und auf dem "Feinschmecker"-Schutzumschlag wünschen, denn das dürfte da garantiert bei dem Einen oder Anderen auf Interesse stoßen. Mich hat diese Werbung zumindest angesprochen und ich habe mir das Buch gleich mal auf mein Bücher-Merkzettel notiert.
Das war bisher die Wochenaufgabe, die mir im Nachhinein am meisten Spaß gemacht hat und wie gesagt, dabei hat sie als ich sie erstmalig las bei mir ein Augenrollen hervor gerufen.
Eure Exzellenz
Netti - Botschafterin miet-and-read
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