Sunday, October 17, 2010

Csaying For 3rd Birthday Invitation

Satokashi no Dangan wa uchinukenai - A lollypop or a bullet

A Shojo Manga ? From me you recommend?
What did I just rode there?

As a tacky girl comics taught me a better ...

Thirteen-year-old Nagisa Yamada has a hard time in their lives. Her mother works full time in a supermarket and still not earn enough to support her family. Ten years ago drowned her father, a fisherman in a storm at sea. The older hochbegabte Bruder leidet an einer sozialen Phobie und hat sich als " Hikikomori " vollkommen in sein eigenes Reich zurückgezogen, hängt nur noch seinen Tagträumen nach. Nagisa aber hat sich vorgenommen aus diesem sozialen Käfig zu entkommen, möchte sobald es möglich ist als Berufssoldatin bei den japanischen Selbstverteidigungstreitkräften anwerben, um ihre Familie finanziell unterstützen zu können. Sie liebt "scharfe Munition", das was sie als reale handfeste Währung bezeichnet, Dinge von praktischem Wert. Umso genervter ist Nagisa, als sie eine neue Klassenkameradin bekommt, die ihr ungefragt auf die Pelle rückt. Mokuzu Umino, ein seltsames Mädchen aus Tokyo, that before the class as a mermaid imagine that was just visiting in the realm of men. With its dreamy tall tales, she embodied the opposite of what Nagisa so urgently required, "live ammunition". But Mokuzu * they stubbornly pursued with their chatter, for it would necessarily be their best friend before she must return to the sea, while, as they protested strongly true home. So she takes about her physical disabilities, hearing impairment and a walking back to their incomplete metamorphosis into a man. Nagisa is reluctant at first against this intrusive girls, the sweet poison of their imagination. Which Legal beset this seemingly spoiled, has a wealthy family home dating girls, which it lacked in their lives never to something with her sugary nonsense?

But by and by are the two very different girls and they will come closer, contrary to expectations, actually friends. A first encounter with the single father, a famous eccentric singer, and the sudden death of Mokuzus dog that can grow in Nagisa foreboding. Unintentionally, it looks behind the facade of Mokuzus sweet words and looks into abysmal Darkness. Nagisa realizes that there is someone who, despite material wealth, yet far worse off than their own

This is from a novel by Kazuki Sakuraba comic adapted a rather unusual representative of a so-called shojo manga (girls' manga), which may not fit into any category really. The plot makes use of individual images from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale of the Little Mermaid and process it to an imaginative drama told the story of a strange friendship, the story of a short summer, in the boundless Finsternis endet. Mich hat dieses Jugenddrama tief bewegt, eine Tatsache die ich eigentlich nicht für möglich gehalten hätte. Der klassische Shojo-Gothic-Zeichenstil schreckte mich zunächst ab, da er eine dieser typischen süßlichen Teenagerliebestragödien vermuten ließ, doch die dann erzählte Geschichte ist weit entfernt von allem Liebes-Kitsch und entwickelt einen nihilistischen Sog, dem zumindest ich mich nicht entziehen konnte. Iqura Sugimotos detaillierte Zeichnungen tun ein Übriges und lassen aus dem Umfeld des ländlich trägen Japans, eine elegisch morbide Spätsommeratmosphäre erwachsen. Natürlich wirkt die Psychologie etwas bemüht, sind die Charaktere stellenweise arg boldly drawn with thick brush, but what's the bittersweet melodrama enveloped me with her black coat and I let myself drift in its melancholy power. I would recommend this 2-volume shojo manga of all the "nihilistic comics, be they female or male.

* translated into German "seaweed" or "drowned in the sea".

Title: Satokashi no Dangan wa uchinukenai -
A lollypop or a bullet
Year: Japan 2007, Germany 2010
Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten
German version: Ehapa Comic Collection - Egmont Manga
novel by Kazuki Sakuraba
adaptation & Drawings: Iqura Sugimoto
Length: 2 volumes (480 pages)


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